The Office – Fire Safety Kinetic Type



For this assignment, we were tasked in creating a 20 to 30 second kinetic type video in Adobe After Effects using the Sure Target tool. We were asked to use  an audio quote from either our favorite movie or television show.  Along with the audio footage, we were to use only text and a few illustrations to convey the quote.



Next, the scene chosen is from the infamous fire safety episode from “The Office”. Here in this episode, Dwight attempts to teach his coworkers about fire safety using a more direct approach.



One of my own personal objectives for this assignment was to visually interpret Dwight’s monologue to the audience/viewers. I wanted to play with the words as they appeared on screen. Alongside, with the help of some visual assets and transitions along the way, I thought it would create much smoother screen transitions.



Adobe After Effects Kinetic Type Work Process


The first step I did was place audio cues throughout my timeline. Next, I began working with the hierarchy of sentence and the placement of the text throughout the screen.

From there, I wanted to create a unique look for each sentence and have that text’s personality show. As such, I focused on making sure that no matter where the viewer paused in the video, the still can be interpreted as a poster. With this mindset, I focused on animating each frame.

Next, I worked on creating screen transitions that would seamlessly change while emphasizing on the flow of Dwight’s monologue.

Finally, after laying everything out on the timeline. I had to go through the files and put everything in pre-compositions while putting them in proper groups.



In closing, this project has taught me how to approach animation from a different perspective. With the time that was given, it really forced me to think on my toes. Making words flow across the screen isn’t nearly as easy as it seems. It really makes you have to think in ways you normally wouldn’t. If you liked what you saw here for a kinetic type video and would like one for a business or for yourself, please feel free to contact me so we can work together on creating something awesome!